We understand that sexuality is a basic part of who we are and affects how we feel about ourselves and how we relate to others. We learn about sexuality every day from the messages we receive from parents, teachers, friends, and the media.
With this in mind, the UUFF is pleased to offer the Our Whole Lives (OWL) curriculum for adults, adolescents, and children. This comprehensive, life-span sexuality education program provides age-appropriate, fact-based information to help participants make informed and responsible decisions about their sexual health and behavior.
Our Approach
Through the OWL Sexuality Education program, the UUFF works to provide honest, accurate information about sexuality through the lifespan in a supportive, affirming, and confidential setting. Such education dismantles stereotypes and assumptions, builds self-acceptance and self-esteem, fosters healthy relationships, improves decision making, and has the potential to save lives.
The UUA offers a detailed description of the philosophy and curricula that UUFF follows.
We’ll explore a variety of topics in an age-appropriate way such as values, body image, anatomy & physiology, sexual health, contraception, conception, pregnancy & birth, gender roles, sexual orientation, gender identity, communication, disabilities, intimacy, social media, consent, power & responsibility, social issues, and much more.
We offer classes for children and adolescents in grades K-1, 4-6, 7-9, and 10-12, for young adults, and for adults on a rotating basis. Please contact us to see when the next class that you are interested in will be offered! We’ll also announce in the Beacon, the UUFF eNews, and our Events calendar the next time a class is available.

Current Offering
Nothing at this time.
Past & Future Offerings
OWL for Adults
If you think there is little left to learn about sexuality as an adult, think again. With the emergence of the #MeToo movement, increasingly open expressions of gender identity and sexual orientation, and new information about sexually transmitted diseases, it is not only prudent, but imperative, that adults stay informed and knowledgeable. Adult alums will attest that OWL changed their lives.
“OWL for Young Adults: It Could Change Your Life”
For young adults ages 18 to 35 (or so). Throughout eight sessions, we discuss everything from body image and self-esteem to sexual pleasure, contraception, orientation and gender, boundaries, communication, families and more.
Supports parents in educating children about birth, babies, bodies and families. Following a Parent Meeting and Parent/Child Orientation, the 8 sessions engage children with stories, songs and activities and typically include a weekly homework project for parents and children to do together. OWL K-1 promotes dialogue between parent and child.