Chalice Circles, also known as Covenant Groups, are part of our Small Group Ministry program. The Circles are a great opportunity to get to know others and yourself better while exploring significant spiritual and life topics.
What happens at Chalice Circles?
Chalice circles are small groups in which each participant has the opportunity to share their perspectives, tell their stories, and listen deeply while exploring a theme such as “calling,” “aliveness,” “mindful living,” “gifts” and more. Most groups meet monthly.
We start with a chalice lighting, and some groups include centering readings or a time of silence before the sharing begins. Some chalice circles put their “faith in action” through a shared service project selected by the group.
How to join
We encourage a commitment of one year or more. If you are interested in joining, contact the group facilitator listed on the calendar, or contact our office: (479) 521-8422 or Please check the calendar and weekly emails for information on gathering dates/times.