Our fellowship is a busy one, with lots of events, activities, and opportunities to join.
Weekly email
The best way to keep up with weekly happenings and opportunities is to sign up for our weekly UUFF eNews. You’ll find out what classes are meeting, and the topics for that week, as well as information about the upcoming sermon, volunteer calls, and more.
Follow the events calendar. You’ll find regular group meetings, special events, and more. You can filter by type of activity and view.
Our Fellowship calendar is the most detailed, and previews everything coming up, including board and team member meetings, changes in office schedule, and more.
Our blog updates include the Minister’s Blog, as well as a variety of posts and articles from various groups, volunteers and team members within the church. You’ll also find up-to-date financial reports and planning.
Social Media
Join us on Facebook, and
Some of our groups have their own Facebook pages, and are a great way to keep up with those specific discussions, events, and activities.
Members are also invited to join the UUFF Discussion group on Facebook.
Monthly Bulletin
The Beacon is our monthly (and sometimes bi-monthly) newsletter. You can read past issues of the Beacon here, up to Jan 2019, and see our new collections on the blog.
*We are currently seeking an editor for the Beacon. Interested? Get in touch.
Please let us know if you have a new idea for a stand-alone event. It could raise funds, attract new members, or just be fun!