Our church community thrives on the service of volunteers like you.
These important (and fun!) opportunities are completely reliant on your willingness to volunteer. Training available. Sign up below or look for the clipboards hanging in the lobby.
Sunday Morning Greeter / Usher
It takes a village to make warmth and welcoming a reality every Sunday morning. Greeters have a chance to meet everyone as they arrive.
Help welcome regular attendees as they come through the door and orient newcomers. Sign up to orient new visitors and greet congregants as they begin their Sunday mornings at UUFF. There is also a clipboard sign-up on the lobby bulletin board.
Host Sunday Coffee Hour
Coffee hour is a vital part of UUFF community life, an important opportunity to serve, and get to know your fellow UUs in the process.
Volunteers set up, serve snacks and coffee, or clean up after the service. Sign up to host for the month and day of your choice. There is also a clipboard sign-up on the lobby bulletin board.
Decorate the Alter for Sunday Services
Would you like to provide the Altar Flowers on Sunday to mark a special occasion, to honor someone, or to simply help create beauty in our sanctuary? Let us know!
Light the Chalice
Lighting the chalice at the start of worship is one of our most beloved UU rituals. If you would like to offer this service for our congregation one Sunday in the coming months, email or give us a call.
Help with Sunday Children’s RE
Our Children and Youth RE programming succeeds because it is a collaborative, community effort. It only happens because volunteers sign-up, show up, and share. We have volunteer opportunities for introverts and extraverts, artsy-crafty folks and mechanically-minded folks, people who have lots of experience working with kids and people who are a little unsure if they are cut out for it. It takes all kinds to run a religious program, and we want and need your help.
Currently CRE is looking for volunteers who would like to assist the teacher during Sunday lessons.
No experience or preparation required, just a positive attitude and a willingness to get to know our amazing kids. You can sign up to assist once a month or even once a season.
To show up and help on a Sunday or two and hang out with our marvelous kids from 10 to 11, please email stephmacbentley@gmail.com
Music and Choir
All ages and skill levels are encouraged to join the UUFF Choir. Rehearsals are typically held at 9:30am each “Choir Sunday.”
Contact Music Director, Renée Janski at janskistudio@gmail.com if you have any questions or would like more details.
Stewardship Work Days
Join your fellows in having fun and working to beautify UUFF grounds. General neatening up, weeding, planting, etc. If you have gloves and a trowel, please bring them. Prefer inside work? There is plenty of that to be done as well! Come for an hour, two, or more. All help is very much appreciated! Contact Laura Brewer at kbrew9@gmail.com with questions.
Razorback Gameday Parking (fundraising opportunity)
This is pretty easy work-collecting money from people who are glad to be able to park in our lot for Razorback Football Home Games. It is actually fun, AND you help raise funds for UUFF! We’ll announce specific dates during the football season in our weekly eNews bulletin and on our events page. You can also check with our office for more info.
Are you a photographer? Whether you take snapshots with your cell phone or professional camera, whether you are a hobbysist, amateur, or photography is your profession, we could use your images. Help us document and share what Unitarian Universalism and the UUFF is all about. And if you know how to (or would like to learn how to) format images for our website, or the weekly UUFF eNews, even better!
Social Justice Opportunities
We have several social justice opportunities for you to get involved with. Visit our social justice pages to learn more.
Join a Ministry, Team or Committee
Want to become more deeply involved? Join one of our Committees or Teams. Email or call; we’ll be glad to hear from you.
Something Else?
Contact us to let us know if there is another way you would like to serve our community. And, of course, financial gifts are always appreciated.