Date: 01/17/2021
Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Topic this Sunday: “My Wish List for America,” continued…The turmoil of 2020 has followed us into January of this year. This week America continues to deal with challenges to our election outcomes, power balances, concerns about divisions, fear of potential violence and more. When we meet on Sunday, let’s flip the switch. Come with your personal wish list for our country. What would a positive future look like? What would be resolved for the better?
The ARE discussion is held weekly before Sunday service. It is a facilitated conversation where lively conversation and sharing of personal experience is encouraged. Each week the topic changes and is advertised in our weekly email to congregants.
There is no need to sign up, just join the ARE Discussion Group Zoom Room at 10am each Sunday morning. Until we can safely open back up to in-person gatherings, we will be using Zoom virtual meetings for ARE, Sunday Service, etc. Please read your latest weekly email or click on the “This Week” section of the homepage to find the link/info needed to join each event.