Date: 05/19/2024
Time: 10:00 am - 11:00 am
Each Sunday morning, adults are invited to join together at 10am in the downstairs common room to discuss a planned topic. Join us!
Topic this Sunday: “Belonging.” In his landmark 1943 article titled “Theory of Human Motivation,” Abraham Maslow emphasized a fundamental idea that hadn’t been explicitly studied in psychology up to that point: belonging. Maslow placed “belongingness”—what he described as the human need for interpersonal connection and acceptance— in a prime position in his hierarchy, just after the needs for food, clothing, shelter, and physical safety. According to Psychology Today, our current age of isolation, loneliness, alienation, and polarization brings a growing recognition that belonging matters not just for our emotional well-being but also for our physical health and social discourse. Join us as we discuss what belonging means to us as individuals and to our UUFF community.