Date: 06/04/2023
Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Enjoy Adult RE Discussion each Sunday at 10am downstairs in the common room at UUFF. A new topic each week, and always a good discussion. Join us!
Topic this Sunday: In his recent book, Of Boys and Men: Why the Modern Male is Struggling, Why it Matters, and What to Do About It, Richard Reeves discusses the structural challenges currently impacting boys and men in the U.S. He points out that girls are outperforming boys in most academic disciplines and rapidly closing the gap in those in which boys still lead. In the US, 57% of bachelor’s degrees are now awarded to women. At the same time, males are much more likely than females to feel socially excluded. As the father of 3 sons, Reeves is clear that addressing these issues does not mean we have to blame or give up on gender inequality. We hope you’ll join us as we discuss the implications of these trends.
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