Date: 01/26/2025
Time: 10:00 am - 10:45 am
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville
All are invited to gather downstairs in the common area of the fellowship building on Sundays at 10am for a facilitated discussion focused on a specific topic (advertised in the eNews the week before).
Topic this Sunday: Should the U.S. adopt a “Bill of Obligations”? As Americans, we are used to thinking about our rights. The Bill of Rights is at the center of our Constitution. But is it enough to concern ourselves only with our rights? What, if any, are the obligations of citizens in a democracy? In his 2023 book, The Bill of Obligations, author Richard Haass lays out what he views as 10 obligations for good citizenship. We hope you’ll join us as we discuss the idea of obligations as it relates to being a citizen of a democracy.