(Photo from left to right: Karl Brown, Evan Barnes, Andrew Gaber, Staffany Rhame, and Dylan Pearson.)
by Andrew Gaber, Chair of Sculpture Committee and Board Membe
Many of you may have noticed the work that’s been started in the landscaping bed next to our entrance. This is the result of some of the first steps in preparing the space for permanent installation of the sculpture, The Book, that was graciously donated to UUFF by Richard Ferguson before his passing last year.

Members of the Sculpture Committee have been working on a plan for this space that will further our grounds’ function as a space for reflection. Members of this committee are Andrew Gaber (chair), Ron Hanson, John King, Caroline Lennox, Joyce Mendenhall, and Gretchen Wilkes. Currently, the vision is to have some paths placed in the space, with decorative gravel surrounding the paths. The sculpture itself will need to be filled with sand to secure the sculpture in place. If you have any thoughts or questions on this project, any of us on the committee would love to hear from you!