The Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville, Arkansas, is open and sharing Online Sunday Services… not at the will or whim of anyone but our own sense of the sacred, and our understanding of the worth and dignity of every person, believing as we do, or not. We will not meet in person again until we know all will be as safe as can be, by medical/scientific advice, by our own determination.
We take time today to mourn the lost, felled by Covid-19… we are saddened beyond belief by the toll on human life around the world, even amid other diseases, disasters and violent conflicts. The dead all have names, we can only hold onto a very few, I hope there is an Arkansas version of this accounting, but we must attend to the names of 100,000 lost in this country at the least. And more, if we don’t take care of each other. More, even if we do.
The UU Fellowship of Fayetteville is meeting, sharing lovely, strong online services to speak to the suffering of being human in these, or any time. We share music, a little humor and concerns, a message, and mostly practice being a religious body… figuring out “how to live,” at this time. How to live in our own skin, with others, in a community, in the world. How to Live with integrity, honesty, caring, justice, and love.
And we light a candle for the names of the lost, as part of our service today, and will remember them every Sunday.
Rev. Jim Parrish