Date: 08/25/2019
Time: 11:00 am - 12:00 pm
Location: Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Fayetteville
Sunday, 08/25/19, 11am Service:
“Meditation & Mediation: A Minister’s View,” led by our own Rev. Jim Parrish!
Sunday Religious Education (RE) Opportunities:
10 AM: Adult RE Discussion Group: Meets downstairs in common room. Topic: “Sin.” Perhaps we most often think of sin as wrongdoing or transgression of God’s law. But what if you don’t believe in God? How did the concept of the sin evolve? Join us for a lively conversation.
10 AM: Meditation will be held at 10:00, followed by a short reading and discussion between 10:30-10:45. It doesnʼt matter what type of meditation you do, or if you have ever meditated before, you are welcome to come meditate in the UUFF Annex building (across Storer from UUFF in the west-nearest Storer-side of the annex). ALL ARE WELCOME. Enter through the front door.
10 AM: RE for kids 5+ continues today!
All are invited to meet in room 2 downstairs at 10am for Religious Exploration, before rejoining adults for the 11 o’clock service.
In today’s session, children discover there can be multiple answers to big questions. They learn that to seek and evaluate answers to big questions is a sign of UU faith. They experience prayer or mediation, the ritual of this session, as a way of seeking answers within and a way to articulate and feel their own appreciation, gratitude, wishes, and hopes.
Sunday Nursery Services available 9:45am – 12:15pm
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